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Baby Shower Go-To Gifts: What's Your Gift-Giving Style?

In Little Wishes, we take pride in offering a variety of baby gifts depending on what type of gift-giver you tend to be. In the baby world, there are endless possibilities of baby shower gifts.
What kind of gift-giver are you? Gifts that make life easy and comfortable (Wise Giver). Gifts that make people laugh (Light-hearted Giver). Chic, cool, and on-point (Trendsetter Giver). Gifts that represent (Local-Love Giver). Find your perfect baby shower gifts based on your favorite way to give. Babies and new parents appreciate all styles!
Wise gifts: tried, true, and tested:
A comforting lovey: White-Unicorn or Giraffe Lovey
A onesie that is soft and easy to change in the middle of the night: Pudgey Pineapple or Eden Modal Magnetic footie
For the love of reading: Flutter By Birdie Soft Book
Light-Hearted: funny, silly, and unexpected:
Unique and funny curated gift set: My Quarantined Baby Daily Activities
What baby doesn’t need shades: Sea-Spray Two-Tone Sunglasses
Trendsetter: on-point, chic with the latest innovation:
Trucker hats are awesome on babies too: Babe or Lil’ Bro/Big Bro trucker hats
Very hip bib that gives back (a meal donated with each purchase): Hip Hop and lollipops bib or Give Peas a Chance
Baby books can be cool: Little Legends Alphabet Book
Local-Love: represent your favorite hometown:
For the Colorado music lover: Live at Red Rocks
Our CO love is strong with this gift set: Colorado Love Baby Blue or Baby Pink Set
CO-Love in a gender-neutral style: Baby Love Gift Set
Happy baby shower shopping!

Wish Gifts